Mechanic robot

Hello guys!!

It's been a long time since I published last time... but here I'm with a new animation! This time, I used various techniques all of them mixed like armatures, dupliverts, arrays...

The truth is actually, the project was finished before I started with the new project of the space. But, for multiple reasons, I didn't render the images until yesterday. So, here you've got my mechanic arm robot. As you can see, the animation doesn't seem so complicated, because it's just to loop one cycle of the cylinder... but anyway, it wasn't so easy like it seems. First of all, because, it was my first time that I designed one conveyor belt. But I followed some tutorials in Youtube and at the end it wasn't so difficult. Maybe, the hardest part in that task was to found a good tutorial. But without doubt, the biggest challenge of this project was to create the trick to obtain a continuous cycle of the chain. And some people will wonder, why do a trick instead of putting a lot of cylinders? The answer it's very easy. Just, for use less resources in order to gain time in the final render.

Basically, the trick is to move only one cylinder with the mechanic arm, and when disappears behind the camera, replace it ones again in the same position of the next cylinder that is going to be carried. All the rest cylinders are only, for the visual effect. So, actually, only one cylinder is transported and the rest is moving forward and backwards.

The creation of the trick gave me some problems, such as, the use of the arrays in cyclic animation (the textures didn't match some times, especially in the replacement frame) or I had to synchronize the movement of the conveyor belts with the machine work cycle to give time to the transported cylinder finishes the entire cycle (disappear and appear in each position).

As you can see, it's my first post in english (cost me a lot to write!!). I'm writing like that, to internationalize the blog and in honor to my friend, Sebastian Palacios, that's who encouraged me to do.


Sebastian Palacio dijo...

Awesome dude. I bet you'll get a lot more comments and visits this way!

Zurito dijo...

Ondo ziok artixta, segi zak hola, hurrena industri informatikan in genizkiak petri ta grafzet haitako automatak in itzak xD, serio kurraua ee, aber hurrena ze asmatzeken

Anónimo dijo...


Peña dijo...

como te lo curras macho...

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