Urtzai's blending!

I still waiting some DVDs so that's why I spent my last 3 hours reading/ watching tutorials and also struggling with lighting and compositing. I wanted to do some indirect light scene combined with small glow effect. I followed the next tuto to get the result of the image: http://cg.tutsplus.com/tutorials/blender/using-indirect-lighting-in-blender-2-5/

And that was the result of this boring afternoon I hope you'll enjoy. Leave your comments please!

High resolution image: http://www.flickr.com/photos/urtziodriozola/5182334240/


Anónimo dijo...

Jode Utzi, gerua ta obeto dauz zure diseinuek. Ia nozko ikusten dogun spazioko pelikula hori.. ejejejjee


Urtzi dijo...

Bai, egiya esan oaindik buruan zekat e. Baino, storyboard-a osatzen ai nauk eta istorio oso bat iteko behar bezain besteko jakintzak biltzen. Laister etorriko da, lasai!

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